Ryan Darius Lim
Computing ’27, Business Analytics (Hons)
What do you like about CLC2204: Community Development with Youth?
We learn models such as ‘Hart’s Ladder of Participation’ which allows us to think about how we can improve existing youth engagement activities. So, I feel that this module was pretty good in getting me to think on how we can better involve the youth in our community as well as to make it overall more inclusive and more effective activity. So, I feel that’s what makes CLC2204 stand out from the rest of the modules.
Any tips for prospective NUS students coming to the Open House 2025?
Plan your academic plan in advance. As you know, there are certain modules that are only offered in the first semester or the second semester. Or even if you want to go for a specialisation, do your research to see which modules would satisfy that specialisation, or even a Major or Minor.