Course Timetable

Selection of Classes

From Semester 1 AY2019/2020 onwards, all students will register for courses via CourseReg in EduRec. For all undergraduate students (except those from Faculty of Dentistry or Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine), please use the 'Select Courses' function. For Dentistry/Medicine students, please use the 'Submit Course Requests' function.

Registration for CLC courses will open during the CourseReg exercise. Please click here for the CourseReg schedule.

CLC1101, CLC2204, CLC3303, CLC3304A & CLC3307 are also offered as General Education (GE) courses under the Communities and Engagement pillar (for students admitted from AY2021-22).

Up to 8 units of GE requirements may be double counted with a Major requirement. GE requirements may also be double counted with Second Major, Minor and Specialisation requirements, subject to the Second Major, Minor and Specialisation double counting rules. Click here for more information on GE requirements.

AY24/25 Sem 1

CLC1101: Engaging and Building Communities

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Friday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Education Resource Centre Level 2, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium

CLC2202: Research Methods for Community Development

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Tuesday, 10.00am – 1.00pm
UTown, Auditorium 3, Level B1, College of Alice & Peter Tan

CLC2204: Community Development with Youth

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Monday, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC3307: Learning for Social Change

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Thursday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, LT53

AY23/24 Sem 2

CLC1101: Engaging and Building Communities

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Friday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre - LT50

CLC2204: Community Development with Youth

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Monday, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC3304A: City, Culture and Community

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Wednesday, 9.00am – 12.00pm
UTown, Town Plaza Level 2, Global Learning Room

CLC3307: Learning for Social Change

Instructors: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Tuesday, 2.00pm - 5.00pm
UTown, Town Plaza Level 2, Global Learning Room

AY23/24 Sem 1

CLC1101: Engaging and Building Communities

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Friday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre - LT53

CLC2202: Research Methods for Community Development

Instructors: Dr Kevin Tan
Thursday, 3.00pm - 6.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC2204: Community Development with Youth

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Monday, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC3303: Community Leadership

Instructor: Dr Alfred Pang
Tuesday, 10.00am – 1.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre - LT51


AY22/23 Sem 2

CLC1101: Engaging and Building Communities

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Friday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre - LT50


CLC2204: Community Development with Youth

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Monday, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre Level 1, Global Learning Room


CLC3307: Literacy and Community Development

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Tuesday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Town Plaza Level 2, Global Learning Room

CLC3308: Entering the Field: People, Places & Practices

Instructors: Dr Kevin Tan
Wednesday, 9.00am - 12.00nn
UTown, Town Plaza Level 2, Global Learning Room

AY22/23 Sem 1

CLC1101: Engaging and Building Communities

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Friday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC2202: Research Methods for Community Development

Instructor: Dr Angeline Lim
Thursday, 3.00pm – 6.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC2204: Community Development with Youth

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Monday, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC3303: Community Leadership  

Instructor: Dr Angeline Lim
Wednesday, 4.00pm – 7.00pm
UTown Auditorium 3, College of Alice & Peter Tan

CLC3304A: City, Culture and Community 

Instructor: Dr Kevin Tan
Wednesday, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room

CLC3307: Literacy and Community Development

Instructor: Ms Kuah Ting Ting
Tuesday, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
UTown, Stephen Riady Centre, Global Learning Room