Curriculum Overview

Our rigorous and comprehensive programme will give you the opportunity to play an active role in engaging, developing, and building sustainable and resilient communities. You will be exposed to a range of community development courses that will hone intellectual and practical skills that form an essential toolkit for future community leaders.

CTPCLC also offers 5 courses under the NUS Communities & Engagement (C&E) pillar:  CLC1101CLC2204CLC3303CLC3304A and CLC3307These allow students to simultaneously work towards a Minor Degree in Community Development and Leadership and fulfill the C&E pillar.

Minor Programme

Opened to all NUS undergraduates. It provides students with a blend of theory and praxis that will guide them to use both head and heart in the sustainable development of communities they care about.

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Certificate Programme

Opened to all NUS undergraduates. It provides students with the opportunity to gain exposure to varied community development work and broaden their perspectives on the needs and social issues in Singapore

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Practicums are group-based (2-5 member teams) learning courses, which give students the opportunity to engage in community-based research in partnership with community organisations.

Learn more >

Students will register for courses via CourseReg in EduRec. For all undergraduate students (except those from Faculty of Dentistry & Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine), please use the 'Select Courses' function. For Dentistry / Medicine students, please use the 'Submit Course Requests' function.

Explore our FAQ page and discover the answers to your questions today!

Find answers to some of the most common questions we receive from our students and staff. If you have a question that is not listed here, please feel free to contact us at ctpclc@nus.edu.sg and we will be happy to assist you.

Kho Yong Xiang

Kho Yong Xiang

CTPCLC Alumnus, Class of 2023

"I am thankful for the opportunities that being in NUS and being in CTPCLC has brought me. I got to learn some frameworks and theories in approaching community-based work."

Zoe Ang Jia Wei

Zoe Ang Jia Wei

CTPCLC Student Partner, AY2022/2023

"As an aspiring social worker, I am truly grateful for the opportunities that CTPCLC has given me – in allowing me to meet likeminded peers, in providing me a safe space to learn, fail and become better, and in giving me frameworks to not only situate myself in, but also the context in which I will eventually practice in."

Ming Fang (Resized)

Cheong Ming Fang

CTPCLC Alumnus, Class of 2021

"My time pursuing a minor with CTPCLC has been a humbling and inspiring one, grounded deeply in the concept of building communities. As we discover the varied meanings of communities through theory and research, I have thrived alongside like-minded individuals and professors who share the same vision and value in community development."

Mohammed Haqeem

Mohammed Noor Haqeem B Z

CTPCLC Alumnus, Class of 2019

"The most important thing that I’ve taken away from the CTPCLC that I still hold to be true to this day is that doing good is hard work. It reminds me that the passion and wanting to do good must also be coupled with good ideas and a strong resolve to see it through."