What are Practicums?

Practicums are group-based (2-5 member teams) learning courses, which give students the opportunity to engage in community-based research in partnership with community organisations. This course takes place over 2 semesters, from August each year till May the following year.


CTPCLC collaborates with a variety of different community organizations to offer Practicums to students. Alternatively, the student can bring in a community partner and scope a potential research topic with a faculty advisor from CTPCLC. Please approach a faculty advisor at CTPCLC one academic semester in advance of the year you are planning to bring in a community partner.

CTPCLC will then advertise the Practicum for student recruitment.

Practicum I is pegged at level 2000

Practicum II is pegged at level 3000 and can only be accessed upon completion of the first three core courses for the minor programme.

For both Practicum I and Practicum II, students will be pre-allocated the course, based on their cohort year requirements, during course registration exercise if they have been selected to join a project.

Procedure for Practicums


Kick-off meeting: Students are expected to attend a kick-off meeting to commence the project. This will take place during the semester break and they are expected to start working on the project before the beginning of the semester to have enough time to complete data collection and analysis.

Workflow: After kick-off, students are expected to put together a research proposal for review by the partner organization and faculty advisor, followed by an application for ethics review (if applicable). Once ethics approval has been given, students can embark on data collection, data analysis and reporting.

Deliverables: students are required to present the research to the partner organization, submit a final report, a reflection piece, and peer review.

If you encounter any difficulties when embarking on the Practicum, you may approach CTPCLC staff for assistance. For further enquiries, please send an email to ctpclc@nus.edu.sg

Frequently Asked Questions on Practicums

A practicum is a supervised community research project that is usually conducted in collaboration with an external organization (e.g. non-profit organization, government agency, social enterprises, etc.) over a period of 1 or 2 semesters, depending on your cohort.

Students admitted to NUS in AY2020/2021 and after will do an 8-unit practicum which will span over 2 semesters.

Students admitted to NUS in AY2019/2020 and earlier will do a 4-unit practicum which will be completed in 1 semester.

Cohort refers to the first year in which you enrolled as an undergraduate at NUS.

Our practicums are research-based projects closely related to practical outcomes in the field of community development and leadership.

Practicums at CTPCLC are often tied to research partnerships with social service organizations and community engagement projects with non-profit organizations from the third sector. For more information on the types of projects that our students have undertaken as practicums, see 'Research Projects' page.

In the months of May/June, curriculum admin staff will email all CTPCLC fellows a list of available projects. A registration form will be also made available. After filling it up, you are to email it to our curriculum admin staff and the respective practicum supervisor.

8-unit practicums span 2 semesters from August to May of the following year. Note that they only begin in Semester 1 of the academic year.

Yes, you may. Please email an academic staff member at CTPCLC to advise you on this. Note that the process of establishing a collaboration with a partner organization can take months, so please inform us of this at least 2 months before the practicum is due to begin.

If you and fellow students at CTPCLC are keen on signing up for the same practicum, you may do so. However, the selection outcome will be based on a range of eligibility requirements that differ from practicum to practicum.

This is not possible. The practicum was designed to be completed by a group and a component of your assessment is based on peer review.

Can't find an answer? Email us at ctpclc@nus.edu.sg!