Baking a Difference: CTPCLC Team Retreat 2022

Baking a Difference: CTPCLC Team Retreat 2022

Chng Huang Hoon, 19 July 2022

On 15 July 2022, our team at the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre (CTPCLC, NUS) held our first staff retreat-team bonding activity.

The retreat kicked off with the team sharing our understanding of what ‘Community Development’ means to us, and the Asset-based community development (ABCD) model that defines the approach adopted by the CTPCLC curriculum. This sharing was exceptionally helpful, not just as a refresher for longer-standing colleagues but especially so for our newer team members, to better understand how CTPCLC modules can contribute to steering community development and leadership as part of the 'Communities & Engagement' (C&E) pillar in NUS. Apart from promoting team cohesion, the Centre’s direction and team goals gain more clarity when everyone is on the same page.

NOTE: Our colleague Kevin Tan was on medical leave and was therefore unable to be at this meeting. Kevin has however contributed to the team discussion slides for this part of the retreat meeting, that gave us insights into the meaning of ‘community development’.

Thanks to the gradual easing of COVID-19 restrictions, our team took the opportunity to gather for a communal lunch and undertook a social-cause activity to deepen team engagement. The team got to experience first-hand the idea of ‘Asset-Based-Community-Development (ABCD)’ through a ‘Bake-for-a-Cause’ team activity, under the guidance of Cynthia Pau of Palate Sensations, where we pooled our team’s assets like individual skills and experiences, and organisational resources as well as partnership, to enable us to give back to the community. We conceptualised and implemented the ABCD-Bake-for-a-Cause in the following way:

  • CTPCLC to bake treats as part of the team bonding activity in the culinary school
  • Culinary studio recommended to donate baked goods via The Food Bank
  • The Food Bank connected CTPCLC to the beneficiary, Red Cross Home for the Disabled
  • CTPCLC team to deliver the baked goods to the Home
  • Home residents to enjoy a treat outside of their regular meal plan

The Red Cross Home for the Disabled is a residential home for 100 full-time residents with multiple challenges that require 24/7 care from the Red Cross team. The CTPCLC team is gratified to be given the opportunity to donate the bake goods and give back to this community in a way that is suitable to the beneficiary, and most of all, to make new friends and connect with both The Food Bank and Red Cross Home for the Disabled.

The CTPCLC team with Mr Glynn Maung, Executive Chef, Red Cross Home for the Disabled

Very often, we find that it takes just a little time and thought to make for a special day, not just for ourselves but also for the wider society. We hope that this simple retreat idea will inspire others to do their part for their own community.