Our Fellow Reflections

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Throughout my undergraduate years, I had the privilege of taking the CTPCLC course on Community Leadership (CLC3303), and working in CTPCLC as a Student Partner for a semester.
As an aspiring social worker, I am truly grateful for the opportunities that CTPCLC has given me – in allowing me to meet likeminded peers, in providing me a safe space to learn, fail and become better, and in giving me frameworks to not only situate myself in, but also the context in which I will eventually practice in.
Beyond theories and knowledge, my time in CTPCLC has not only given me confidence, but also optimism and hope for the future. On an individual level, it is inspiring to know that we are always interconnected and part of something bigger than ourselves – that one simple act of compassion can create ripples of change that snowball further than what we ever imagined. On a community level, it is heartening to know that every community possesses assets and strengths – that if we allowed ourselves to see beyond problems and deficits, we could harness a vast well of untapped potential.
Thank you to all the fellows that I have met and continue to inspire, the professors who have made my time at CTPCLC so enriching and the staff members who have shown me kindness every week. If I could re-live my undergraduate years again, being a part of CTPCLC would always be at the very top of my list.