Mapping the aspirations, needs and assets of residents in Jurong Spring Zone B: An Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach

Research Projects at a Glance

Mapping the aspirations, needs and assets of residents in Jurong Spring Zone B: An Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach

By Tan Kwan Boon & Kee Amanda

Tags: Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), Social


Student fellows of the NUS Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre have helped various social service organisations to map community aspirations, needs and assets. In this study, Tan Kwan Boon and Amanda Kee have carried out a mapping of households residing in a block of flats in Jurong Spring Zone B. Using the asset-based community development (ABCD) framework, they suggest how the assets of the residents can be harnessed to meet their aspirations and needs. The mobilisation of assets builds up community solidarity and agency, resulting in the empowerment of community members. You may also refer to the Heartbeats Journal link below for a copy of the full report.