
NUS Alumni Awards 2021

Hearty congratulations to CTPCLC Alumnus, Lim Wei Jie, who was one of 17 young alumni to receive the NUS Outstanding Young Alumni Award on 3 and 5 November 2021, for their achievements which have distinguished…

Community Mapping in Low Income Neighbourhoods – Ghim Moh

In this study, a team of seven students partnered with Beyond Social Services to conduct community mapping of 3 rental blocks within the Ghim Moh area. They conducted participant observations and semi-structured interviews with 30 residents of rental blocks and…

Immigration Integration in Singapore: A Perception Study

Immigration policy has played a fundamental role in Singapore’s economic development. Since the 1960s, Singapore implemented a class-based migration policy to attract immigrants of varying skill levels. Today, immigration policy serves as a strategy to tackle Singapore’s demographic issues…

Tracer Study of Elderly Patients from Alexandra Hospital

In this study, Raudhah Bte Razali, Lim Yong Shan, Joey Lee Jia Yi, and Daniel Lam Chin Kiat partnered with MOH Office of Healthcare Transformation to study how Alexandra Hospital patients navigate their healthcare journey post-discharge. They conducted interviews with…

Online approach to keeping seniors happy and healthy

CTPCLC student fellows Isiah Poon, Myat Thu Kyaw, and Willoughby Niki Lee started the 4Hearts project as part of our Communicating Social Issues in Singapore module to engage elderly residents at nursing homes facing social…

Singapore’s Youth Beyond Volunteerism

OpenJio, co-founded by CTPCLC Alumni Amelia Lim, is a Telegram channel that seeks to keep one updated on ground-up initiatives and events in the social sector. The group’s founders hosted their first “OpenJio Opens Up”…

New minor in community leadership

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Minor in Community Development and Leadership for the upcoming academic year (starting August 2019). NUS undergraduates who undertake the programme will have the opportunity to…

CTPCLC Symposium 2019

The annual CTPCLC Symposium was held on 10 May 2019 and graced by Guest-of-Honour Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Home Affairs. This year, we showcased…

Foreword Coffee

CTPCLC Alumnus Lim Wei Jie, co-founder of social enterprise startup Foreword Coffee, believes that “Every cup of coffee can be like a foreword, enticing one to delve into its narrative”. Foreword Coffee aims to promoting…

NUS launches the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre

NUS launches the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre On 20 November 2017 The National University of Singapore (NUS) officially launched the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre (CTPCLC) in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister…